Monday, January 26, 2009

the more weed smoke i puff the more dangerous pt 4

junior year now; when liquor hits my system too...

lalo found himself a psycho white girlfriend that HATED every little thing about me cause he was in love with me. so me and lalo stopped talking. i hit up the pothead crowd since i aint have to hide shit no more.

aaron, diomond, justin, keisha(here and there), tyrell, dayday, nico, etc.
so everyday pretty much after school hittin up fort greene park, put like 3, 2 dollas on each spliff and get toked the fuck up! madd crazy times over there or on our way there.

after awhile fort greene got hot box, so we hit up this park where we used to go to gym for. so this park is more relaxed. less people in your business, less ways to get to us. from smoking ina bathroom to smoking ona swings to smoking on the jungle gym. niggas didnt give a fuck!

junior year passes by and more drama heads our way.....

1 comment:

td said...

they might all hurt you for calling them out. lol. i feel like i have a lot of inside info. for a teacher...